Order Cancellation
Order Cancellation:
All orders are automatically processed on our website and sent for shipment as soon as the payment terms are fulfilled by the customer. During this process we incur irreversible fees. Therefore, while we understand that orders might need to be changed sometimes, we are unable to do it free of charge after a certain point. We strictly adhere the following cancellation policy.
- Order after its booking and confirmation by the customer/buyer shall not be cancelled or modified for any reason whatsoever and the goods once sold are not returnable or payment refundable.
- The confirmed bookings cannot be cancelled and payment shall not be refundable, however, change in products booking is possible if and only if the booked items were not related to discontinued series. The product change shall be done at prevalent prices and lead time.
- The customer should inspect the goods immediately upon arrival, and if there is obvious damage or a defect noticed, the delivery should be refused. No damage claim will be accepted after receiving the signed DN.
- The company reserves the right to defer, delay, cancel, amend, and reduce the quantity of products ordered by the customer due to unavoidable or uncontrollable circumstances.
- A customer/buyer/purchaser will be deemed to have accepted all the above terms and conditions of the sale at the time of placing the order.